Topic: Cancer
The Mediterranean diet is a way of eating that centers around plant foods and elevates specific food choices over others. Researchers combined the results from different studies to see if this way of eating was healthy, even if it was not “low fat.”
Getting good sleep is one of the best things you can do for your health, and eating right before bed can keep you from getting good sleep.
A recent study suggest that weight management may be more important than exercise in controlling tumor spread.
Studies have found that a 5% weight gain after diagnosis was enough to slightly increase risk of dying, with a 10% weight gain adding even more risk.
This study included 7,835 women who were enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative trial and who were later diagnosed with breast cancer. Data showed alcohol intake either pre- or post-diagnosis was not associated with a higher risk of death either due to breast cancer or other causes.
If you’re a colorectal cancer survivor, eating more fish might help you live longer.
In the largest study ever undertaken to explore associations between weight cycling (or yo-yo dieting), and the later development of cancer, NO evidence was uncovered to support a possible link.
Men that were getting one to two hours per week of exercise in 1998 were 23% more likely to be alive 12 years later than those who exercised less than an hour per week.
In this study, cancer risk among exercisers was lessened substantially for the following cancers: esophagus (decrease of 42%); liver (decrease of 27%); lung (decrease of 26%); kidney (decrease of 23); gastric cardia (decrease of 22%); endometrium/uterus (decrease of 21%); myeloid leukemia (decrease of 20%); myeloma (decrease of 17%); colon (decrease of 16%); head and neck (decrease of15%); rectum (decrease of 13%); bladder (decrease of 13%); and breast (decrease of 10%).
A study of a weight training intervention for cancer survivors showed it increased their upper- and lower body strength at three months and even more at six months. This study showed that breast cancer survivors were able to improve their function over six months.